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prophetic Mentor, Teacher,

Speaker & Influencer

Welcome Y’all!

My name is Yeabsera but you can call me Yeaby! I am a Prophetic Mentor and Teacher, graced by God to help guide, teach, and empower you as you grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus & walk in your God given purpose. Through the wisdom & revelation the Lord gives me as we work together, I will help you to walk boldly in the FREEDOM & AUTHORITY God has given you as His child. I will also be there to help you navigate through the spiritual warfare you face along your path.

The Lord called me out from the deception of New Age Spirituality and my life has never be the same! Since then, He has delivered me from many of my childhood traumas, a 6 year addiction to Marijuana, and more. The LOVE of God is truly transformational and I’m so grateful God has chosen me to help others experience His love as well!

Mentoring with me will be revelatory, insightful, and transformational...with a dash of goofy!

I am COMMITTED to helping you break free from your shackles & experience the FREEDOM that is in Christ, all while creating a safe space for you to share your story 🤍

What Makes Me Different?

I’m Vulnerable & Authentic!

Vulnerability & authenticity are a few of my core values. If you’ve watched any of my YouTube videos, you know 2 things... that I LOVE GOD & that I’m 100% myself! Working through my fears of being seen and leaning on God has helped me grow into a

bold & courageous woman.

I like to say that shame is afraid of me now!

In a world where people are constantly feeling like they have to put on a front, I am committed to creating a spaces where people feel safe to share every part of themselves & their story.

I believe true growth & healing can only

happen in safe spaces.

Vulnerability is VITAL to the process

of transformation and growing intimately with God.

I’ve Lived Through It All!

I’ve experienced everything I teach!

  • I grew up in a toxic family environment & it impacted my self-esteem tremendously growing up.
  • I always felt weird, never fit in, and was bullied severely as a young child.
  • Looking for a way to heal all my wounds, I explored New Age Spirituality.
  • I was so confused about love that I ended up in an abusive relationship.
  • I became addicted to marijuana for six years and went through the fight of my life for deliverance.

And despite all of this, the Lord still

called me out & made me new.

I teach what God teaches me.

I Believe in FREEDOM!

I have a genuine, DEEP desire to see people set free through the power and LOVE of God!

I BELIEVE Jesus when He said that God sent Him to “heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised...”

There were many dark nights in my life where I did not think freedom was possible, but I held on to my one little mustard seed of faith & the Lord delivered.

Today, I don’t just read the Word, I LIVE it out everyday. I see God moving in my life all the time & I want to help you walk in the freedom, authority & love of God that is truly transformational!

How Can I Help You?


If you've left or are considering leaving the New Age world and are on your journey of coming back to Christ, I can mentor you through the transition and guide you as you rebuild a solid foundation in Christ.

We will explore the New Age deception on a deeper level and work through any lingering deceptions and demonic impartations keeping you in bondage. We will also take a deeper look at any spiritual warfare you may be experiencing from breaking demonic covenants and coming to Christ, all through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


Are you seeking to grow in confidence to be who God has created you to be?

I can mentor you through the process of shedding distortions created by your past experiences

and help you to start seeing yourself the way GOD sees you.

We will explore what it means to be a child of the Most High God and the blessing of being made in His image.

We will work through any lies of the enemy that have made you feel like you aren’t good enough to be loved or successful.


Are you seeking to walk boldly in God's calling and purpose for you? I can mentor you through the process of aligning yourself to His will for your life, all while encouraging you to shine your light courageously!

We will explore what it means to surrender to the Lord’s plan and seek Him diligently for His instruction, as well as work through any barriers or mental limitations that keep you stuck in cycles of self-doubt & procrastination.


Are you new to Jesus and don't know where to start with Him? I can mentor you as you learn the fundamentals

of the Christian faith and guide you through what it looks like to know Jesus deeply and intimately.

We will explore what it means to know Jesus as your Father and Friend. We can also work through any past experiences or fears

that get in the way of you having an intimate relationship with Him now and I will guide you in learning to discern His voice.

1 on 1 Mentorship

1-1 Mentorship

I offer one on one mentorship to individuals who are truly dedicated to transforming their lives, growing in Christ, and becoming who God has called them to be.

I provide a safe space for my mentees to explore their faith and seek wisdom in navigating life's challenges.

All of my mentoring sessions are Holy Spirit led.

I am simply the vessel helping to facilitate the growth God wants to do in your life.

1-1 Mentorship is for you if:

  • You would like specific guidance & attention that addresses your personal situation and needs
  • You feel more comfortable discussing personal or sensitive topics in a one-on-one setting
  • Would like to develop a closer relationship with me as your mentor to support and empower you on a deeper level

Interested in 1-1 Mentorship!?

Fill out the interest form below and I will reach out within 24-48 hours to schedule a 15 min check-in!

Mentorship is only solidified after I have sought the Lord for His approval on

moving forward!

Mentorship Interest Form

Outcomes of 1-1 Mentorship


  • How to discern the enemies schemes that keep tripping you up in your life
  • How to WAR in the spirit through prayer and Scripture to fight back against spiritual attacks
  • The character of God through Scripture
  • How to discern God’s voice from the devil’s voice
  • Biblical principles that will strengthen you in the midst of life’s challenges
  • How to see yourself the way that God sees you
  • How to understand and use the authority Jesus has given us over the forces of darkness
  • How to surrender to the Lord’s plan for your life
  • How to truly turn away from sin and begin a new life in Christ


  • Deliverance from mental strongholds preventing you from moving forward in life
  • A deeper revelation of who God is and how much He loves you
  • Clarity and direction on your God given assignment
  • Revelation of your authority over the Devil through Christ
  • A increase in confidence and spiritual discernment
  • Authentic support and encouragement in a shame free environment

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love” Romans 8:38

1-1 Mentorship Packages

Caterpillar Package

$838 / 1 Month

3 x 1-Hour Mentoring Sessions

  • Sessions are all scheduled at your liking and can be scheduled throughout the duration of ONE MONTH. Your first session will mark the beginning of your 1 month package!

OPTIONAL BONUS: Up to 3 bonus sessions which can be used for additional mentoring, questions, encouragement or in-depth prayer,

as needed.

  • We will pray together during every mentoring session, but you can schedule a bonus session for any specific prayer requests that pop up during the month.
  • Bonus sessions are optional for additional support, as requested.

Chrysalis Package

$1,600/ 2 Months

  • 6 x 1-Hour Mentoring Sessions

  • Sessions are all scheduled at your liking and can be scheduled throughout the duration of TWO MONTHS Your first session will mark the beginning of your 2 month package!

OPTIONAL BONUS: Up to 6 bonus sessions which can be used for additional mentoring, questions, encouragement or in-depth prayer,

as needed.

  • We will pray together during every mentoring session, but you can schedule a bonus session for any specific prayer requests that pop up during the month.
  • Bonus sessions are optional for additional support, as requested.

Butterfly Package

$2,400/ 3 Months

  • 9 x 1-Hour Mentoring Sessions

  • Sessions are all scheduled at your liking and can be scheduled throughout the duration of THREE MONTHS. Your first session will mark the beginning of your 3 month package!

OPTIONAL BONUS: Up to 9 bonus sessions which can be used for additional mentoring, questions, encouragement or in-depth prayer,

as needed.

  • We will pray together during every mentoring session, but you can schedule a bonus session for any specific prayer requests that pop up during the month.
  • Bonus sessions are optional for additional support as requested.

Interested in 1-1 Mentorship?

Fill out the interest form below and I will reach out within 24-48 hours to schedule a 15 min check-in!

Mentorship is only solidified after I have sought the Lord for His approval on moving forward!

Mentorship Interest Form

You are GOD’S WORK and your purpose is GOD’S WORK!

“I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” Philippians 1:6

‘I AmGod’s Work’

Group Mentorship

Group Mentorship Will Be Available Soon!

‘I Am God’s Work’ is a transformation centered

group mentorship designed to help you discover and grow in your God given purpose while empowering you to push past life’s adversities and the attacks of the enemy.

This mentorship will guide, empower, and support you on your journey of becoming who God

first intended you to be,

the you He knew before He formed you in your mother’s womb!

‘I Am God’s Work’ group mentorship will push you past your limits, show you your blindspots, and help you break free from any mental limitations blocking for being confident and using your gifts for the Kingdom of God.

Outcomes of Group Mentorship


  • Are seeking the Lord for His plan and want to submit your life to His will
  • Want to demolish mental strongholds that keep you stuck in cycles of fear and shame
  • Want to discover your identity in Christ and get to know Him deeper
  • Are tired of playing small and not walking in the fullness of who God has created you to be
  • Desire to walk boldly and freely in your gifts and purpose from a posture of humility
  • Want to grow in confidence and spiritual authority
  • Are seeking accountability on your walk with Christ.

together, we will explore:

  • The difference between strategy and tactics in spiritual warfare
  • What it means to truly seek the Lord with our whole heart and submit our lives for His glory
  • The importance of heart posture and being in alignment with God’s word
  • How to identify and turn away from the sneaky sins in our lives
  • How to break through mental limitations to move forward in life
  • How to discern the voice of God versus the enemy’s
  • How to appreciate and value the different trials we experience along the journey

Group Mentorship Packages

1 Month Mentorship

$999/ Month



  • Weekly in depth 1 hour teaching via zoom/live (4 teachings per month)
  • Monthly Q+A for additional support, guidance, encouragement, or questions
  • Private community group for discussions, sharing testimonies, fellowship, and additional support
  • Daily/Weekly prophetic revelations as given by the Holy Spirit for the group
  • Encouragement and accountability
  • Regular check-ins to assess current needs and offer support
  • Exclusive content not shared on YouTube

Holy Spirit Led

I rely on the Holy Spirit’s prompting & guidance each week to determine the lesson, however your suggestions on different topics are 100% welcome to ensure you get what you need!

Our private community is a safe space to be vulnerable, connect, and receive guidance.

I desire for everyone to feel empowered and set free by the teachings each week.

I believe there will be massive breakthroughs each month as we allow the Holy Spirit to move.

Interested in

Group Mentorship!?

Fill out the interest form below to secure your spot in the Group Mentorship.

Mentorship will begin once a group

has been formed. You will be kept up to date on when we will be starting!

Mentorship is only solidified after I have sought the Lord for His approval on moving forward!

Mentorship Interest Form







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